Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lack of Discipline - 07/18/07

I mentioned last week that I plan to try the Seven-Day Mental Diet that is suggested in the Discipline chapter of PIVOT.  So far I have only accomplished two of the seven days.  They are "Try Something New" and "Feed Your Mind". Parts of those days have been filled with negative thoughts like fear and nervouseness.  Other days have been filled with excitement.  Other days have been filled with jet lag.  I have had a general lack of discipline however when it comes to doing the Seven-Day Mental Diet. 

I have an excuse as to why I haven't been as disciplined.  I am in India on business.  My Saturday and Sunday were basically just travel days and the rest of the time I have been working.  When I haven't been working, I have been pretty tired due to jet lag. 

However, having discipline is about not having excuses.  If I truly am going to be disciplined enough to go through the mental diet, I have to be disciplined no matter what the situation.  Even if I wasn't traveling, I could probably find another "excuse" as to why I didn't do one of the excercises that it suggests in the book.

However, as I look through the mental diet, I do notice that I have been more positive since I have begun my journey.  I have a better attitude.  I have been giving more gratitude to others.  I have been thinking more positively.  I will do the Seven-Day Mental Diet.  I just need to pray to God to help grant me the discipline to do it every day.

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