Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's Been a LOOOONG Day - 07/14/07 & 07/15/07

Today's journal entry is two-day entry.  My goal is to have a journal entry each and every day.  Even though it has only been a week so far, I have disciplined myself so far and have written every day. 

This weekend is a little different.  I left for the airport on Saturday at 11:30 a.m.  My flight left about 2:00 p.m.  I had a connecting flight in Chicago which didn't leave until about 7:30 p.m.  We landed in Dehli, India at 8:30 p.m. Sunday evening.  So my two days really seem like one very long day.  As I am writing this, it is 11:50 p.m. in India, so I just barely got this one written today.  (Although it is only 1:20 p.m. back home)

As I mentioned before, I was pretty nervous.  I think my nerves have calmed down a little bit, but they aren't gone completely.  I got about 5 hours of sleep on the plane.  I didn't want to sleep too much because if I did then I don't think I would be able to sleep tonight.  I am plenty tired right now, so I think I should be able to get a good night's sleep and avoid too much jet lag.

For the most part, the trip was pretty much uneventful.  That is a good thing when flying.  The flight in Chicago was delayed about 20 minutes which is very good for Chicago.  Thankfully, I work for a company that allows us to fly business class, so I was very comfortable for the entire flight.  The actual time in the air was just over 14 hours, but it didn't really seem that long.  I had some books that I bought to read.  They had a personal TV at each seat, and they kept me well fead.  So the flight went real well.

When I got to the airport, it was a MUCH, MUCH shorter line then London.  I stood in the passport line for only about 5 minutes.  My luggage also didn't take very long.  Compared to the other times that I have flown internationally, it was probably the fastest I have ever gotten out of the airport.

When I got to the hotel, the staff was very, very courteous and didn't let me handle any of my luggage.  The difference between the United States and India is here they tell you not to tip.  They suggest leaving one tip at the end of your stay so they can spread it among the entire staff.

I ordered room service and had a very delicious mushroom ravioli and a very rich brownie.  I then called Penny (my wife) who had just gotten home from church and that brings me to this journal entry.

That was my day (or should I say days - although it just seems like one day to me).  I am going to bed.  Good Night.

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