Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Anniversay - 6/12/08

Well, I missed a journal entry yesterday.  I had it on my to-do list, but got distracted.  The source of my distraction was that I found a website called the other day.  This website allows you to build a family tree and share it with others.  They are also able to then edit any part of the family tree that they would like.  I had been thinking about genealogy lately and finding this website has re-energized me into looking into family history again.  About 10 years ago, I did a lot of work researching both mine and my wife's family.  I had found (through various sources) over 400 ancestors of my children (including one branch that went 77 generations back).  I plan to adding as much of this to as I can when I can.

Today is mine and my wife's 15th wedding anniversary.  We were married on June 12, 1993.  I gave here a crystal clock that was engraved with our names and our wedding date.  She really liked it.  We are going out to eat tonight.  During the first years of our marriage, we always ate at Red Lobster, but we haven't kept up that tradition.  I am not sure where we are going tonight.  I will let her pick.  We would like to go out alone, but we don't have anyone to watch the kids, so we will be sharing our anniversary dinner with them.

June 12 happens to be the anniversay of many other things in my life also.  On June 12, 1996, I defended my master's thesis at Iowa State University.  On June 12, 2003, I started working from home.  I have been working from home ever since.  On June 12, 2006, I started working for Swiss Re.  I didn't change companies voluntarily.  Swiss Re bought my former employer (GE Insurance Solutions) and this was the first official day of work after the acquistion was completed.

Our youngest son, David, is 3 and we are trying to potty train him right now.  He is very stubborn and we have had to clean up many "accidents".  He knows how to use the toilet, but there are times where he just refuses.  The goal is to have him trained by September for pre-school.  We only put pull-ups on him for bed or when we go somewhere.  Last year, we tried to have him go every 30 minutes, but he would just go on the floor.  This year, he at least is going sometimes, so there is hope.

On the work front, I was accepted into the Leadership Development Programmeat Swiss Re.  This is a program to develop leaders (bet you didn't see that from the title).  It involves 3 courses.  The first one I attended in Kansas City last November.  I thought it was really good for the most part.  There are four main topics for the course which are Interpersonal Leadership, Negotiation, Health/Fitness and Financial.  My favorites were the Interpersonal Leadership (where I learned a LOT about things that I am doing wrong in my leadership) and Negotiation (where I got a little heated in one of our mock negotiations).  The second course will be in Hong Kong in October.  I have never been to Hong Kong, so I am excited to go.  The third course will be in Switzerland next year.  They will basically build on the first course I attended in Kansas City

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